

Page history last edited by Kathryn Ryan 2 years, 3 months ago







Student Employee Handbook


Introduction | Employee Policies and Procedures | Emergency Procedures 

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Welcome to the William H. Hannon Library!


Like many departments on campus, the Library heavily depends on its student employees and, as a result, we see you all as major contributors to who we are and how we get things done.  Thank you.  Please feel free to share any thoughts or suggestions you have, about improving your experience either as a student or as an employee in the library, with your supervisor and other staff members.

This handbook, along with guidance from your supervisor, will provide you with the information you need in order to be a successful member of our team.  As with all employment, there are a fair amount of procedures to learn, resources to know about and opportunities to be had.  We hope your time at the Library will be enjoyable, and even more so, we hope it will be educational as it helps to prepare you for future employment.



Library Facts

Before we go any further, let’s pause to go over some fun and interesting facts about the library. 


The William H. Hannon Library first opened way back in 2009.  Almost instantly, the building, with its unique and sleek architecture, became a focal point of the campus and one of the most sought-after places for student employment.  WHHL serves a diverse undergraduate student body of over 6000 students, nearly 2000 graduate students, and LMU faculty and staff, as well as outside researchers from across the country and across the world.  Our collections total more than 600,000 volumes of books and about 700,000 e-books, as well as a variety of media and research databases.  In addition to resources available in the main stacks, LMU’s Department of Archives & Special Collections is home to over 12,000 rare books, including our pride and joy, Shakespeare’s first four folios. Special Collections also has one of the largest postcard collections in the world, with more than a million postcards.  


LMU Service Standards

The LMU Service Standards focus on Communication, Accountability, and Professionalism. Some aspects that might show up in your library work include:


•    Being punctual and reliable
•    Being ethical and honest

•    Being courteous and working collaboratively with library staff and patrons
•    Complying with workplace rules and policies

•    Communicating about work related and attendance issues

•    Listening intently to instructions or patron questions

Student employees, whether they work directly with the public or not, will be expected to follow LMU Service Standards.  For more information see LMU Service Standards.


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